Total Body
45 seconds on | 15 seconds off
Plank pike with knee drive
Standing Ab twist to toe touch
6 mountain climbers to Superman lat pull
Ice skaters (with toe touch)
Punching jacks
Russian twist -
Cardio Legs
Toned Arms
Grab a bench or chair if you would like!
Complete 3-5 rounds based on your fitness level. Workout video will stop after 3 rounds.
Total Body Cardio
Complete 4-6 rounds (video stops after 4 rounds)
Pair this workout with an Ab Workout + Cool Down -
Push-ups, Tricep Dips, + Planks
You will need a chair or bench for this workout.
15 push-ups
15 tricep dips
15-30 sec plank1 ROUND to failure
Tricep dips
Plank hold -
Legs + Core
Total Body
Each exercise will involve a hold, full range of motion, pulse, and a hold.
Arm Workout
Cardio / Core
Complete 3-6 rounds.
Video ends after 5 rounds.